Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Tips on How to Dip-Dye Your Hair

Hi Friends!

For this post I am going to outline instructions and tips, on how to dip-dye your hair at home. I am not usually one for using drugstore dyes. However, only dying the bottom of my hair seemed safe because if disaster strikes, I am do for a hair cut anyways. I used Splat Hair Colour in Lustey Lavender. And Overall, I am pleased with the result. Its such a playful look!

Dip-Dye Instructions

Note: I brought my hair forward to either side of my head. So that My hair was separated into 2 sections, and repeated the following process for each side. 

Note: If you already have lightly coloured hair you can skip the bleaching process.

1) Place hair on a piece of foil.

2) Using a brush or strait from the bottle, Apply bleach to the bottom 3-5 inches of hair. Make sure your wearing gloves to protect your hands.

  3) Fold up foil and let it process until it reaches a pale blonde. 
  Note: Double check your hair every few minutes. It’s important to not over-bleach your hair, or it will be left damaged or in severe cases, break off.
4) Shampoo and lightly condition bleach out of the hair.
5) Blow hair completely dry. If it’s still wet, it will soak up less colour.
Note: Now here is where things get messy. I found Splat Colour really drippy. So make sure your applying it over an area on the floor, that is coverd up with something you dont mind getting colour on...I managed to get it all over the floor of the hotel room I was in :s

6) Place hair on a piece of foil.

7) Using a brush or strait from the bottle, apply colour over bleached area.

Note: I would wear gloves again for this, because the colour takes a long time to come out of the skin. I would also suggest concentrating the colour towards the ends for a more gradient effect.

8) Fold up foil and process for 50 minutes.

9) Wash your hair again or rinse with cool water. 

Note: At this point I noticed the shower looked as if I had just murdered a Power Puff Girl (purple everywhere!). The dye came off easy enough with just water though, so don't panic. Unfortunately this is where things got really tricky for me, because my hair continued to drip dye every time it got wet for about two weeks! And blow drying it (especially the first time) splattered dye all over the walls. Now most of the time the dye washes out with just water. However, it is certainly a huge pain in the butt to have to clean up after yourself all the time. So be warned! The Colour went from violet to light pink in couple weeks. This is what the colour looked like originally (sorry for the blurry photo).

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